You are in a coma. Your mind feels foggy...

Your body currently resides in the hospital bed. You’ve made an attempt to take your own life but your body is still hanging on. You find yourself in a strange place… You don’t recognize where you are but the surroundings feel familiar. 

Your spirit awakens in limbo. You start wandering around and come upon familiar memories, as well as your inner vices manifested as evil demons wandering deep in your mind. You must go around to collect your memories to consolidate your own soul, before advancing on to the next level while avoiding the evil spirits. 


- Successes (What went right)

Our group was able to create a fully functional platform game with a full game loop, interactive objects, a point/health system, enemies that targeted you, a player that can shoot bullets, and dialogue that were triggered by objects for a more immersive experience. We maintained a consistent aesthetic throughout the entirety of the game. We also were able to collaborate well with meeting outside of class and keeping in communication with each other. 

- Failures (What went wrong)

We had originally planned for the background objects that trigger the dialogue to be also interactive with the player, but ran out of time. Additionally, we ran out of time to create more animations for our player and enemy sprites so that they become more lively. We had also tried implementing a health bar + life count system where when you lose all your HP, you lose one life that remained consistent throughout the whole game. Instead, we ended up using a simple HP health bar that reset at the beginning of each level. 

- Lessons Learned (What did you learn from your failures or how did you overcome them)

Things we learned from the making of this game are how to play with lighting in Unity 2D, how to create a character that can shoot and interact with its surroundings, how to create a health bar UI, and general level-design in a 2D platform setting. 

We also learned the importance of collaboration and group work in dividing up tasks equally to make a functioning game within our time constraints. 

- Future Development (If you were to continue working on this game how would you improve it)

For the future, we would like to implement a more sophisticated health system that would remain the same throughout the whole game to for a better flow from level to level.  We would also like to create enemies that physically attack you instead of just hovering towards you and more attacks that can be used for the main player. Given more time, we would like for more variations/enemy types that can maybe be relevant and unique to each level. 

For the purpose of the story we are trying to tell with our game, we would also consider creating cutscenes in between levels to show the process of accepting your memories.

- Playtesting feedback

It is hard to find all the stars/knowing how many there are in the scene to pass the level, especially as the levels get harder.

The music really fits the mood and storyline! 

It is a little hard to catch all the dialogue - is the goal to read all the dialogue or get all the stars?

When jumping, it gets a little confusing when getting stuck on walls

It would be more clear if the stars were put near the background objects to create the memory = star association

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